Inaugural Address – Class of 2017-18
On Wednesday, Matthew Winkler, co-founder and editor-in-chief emeritus of Bloomberg News and the author of ‘The Bloomberg Way’ delivered the inaugural address on ‘Truth in the age of Twitter’ The event, held at The Music Academy in Chennai, was attended by several dignitaries – Sashi Kumar, Chairman and Trustee, Media Development Foundation (MDF); N. Ram, Trustee, MDF; Sukumar Ranganathan, Editor, Mint; Raghvan Srinivasan, Editor, The Hindu BusinessLine; Parry Ravindranathan, Managing Director, International Bloomberg Media; Jarshad N.K., Dean, ACJ-Bloomberg program; and Nalini Rajan, Dean of Studies, ACJ.
Matthew Winkler started his address by suggesting that the appropriate title for his speech was ‘Truth and Trump in the age of Twitter,’ highlighting the lies that President Trump often tweets. Trump remained the centre of the discussion throughout his talk.
Winkler said that fake news is not a new phenomenon. Even in the17th and 18th centuries, fake news was a grave issue. However, the challenge today is that news can spread around the world in just a few minutes.
He added, “There is an opportunity for journalists to access facts with greater precision and effectiveness than ever before.” By following ‘The Winkler Way,’ the next generation of journalists will be able to prevent falsehood from spreading.
Quoting Jonathan Swift, a pioneer of journalism who also faced an avalanche of fake news, Winkler said, “Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping back.”.
When asked about the three keys to his success, starting as a newspaper boy to running a news empire, he proudly declares – team-work, commitment, and integrity. He urged everyone to challenge false claims, to verify sources, and to pursue the truth in the world of fake news.