ACJ Bloomberg Programme

Research Overview

Media Research has been integral to the Asian College of Journalism’s (ACJ) initiatives in the last decade. The Research division has looked at topics related to media coverage in matters of public interest as well as of interest to the media, along with looking at news habits of consumers through collaboration in surveys, and conducting media training as part of co-operative grants.

The research projects over the years include partnerships with UNICEF, Tamil Nadu on topics of public and social interest such as ‘Print media coverage of amendments to JJ Act, 2015’ and ‘Print media coverage of COVID-19 impact on children’; a cooperative grant with the US Consulate General, Chennai to understand misinformation/disinformation in the regional language media, and training of regional language journalists in a project titled ‘Countering Disinformation in South India: A regional media literacy initiative’; and collaborating with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) at the University of Oxford, on the annual Digital News Report